Grammar Basics: Introduction

From my wanderings across various language groups on the web, I get the impression that many people have at best only a vague idea about what grammar is. For any who would like to improve their understanding of grammar a little, I’m beginning a series of posts about how grammar describes the component parts of English, and how they fit together. They’re based on a series of audio posts on one of my previous blogs.

The posts are aimed at native speakers who may speak and write English perfectly well, but who may want to know something about the mechanics of the language and the terminology that describes it. I hope non-native speakers may find it helpful as well.  Those familiar with the elementary material covered are welcome, as always, to comment, and perhaps dispute.

Next post in this series


Filed under Grammar Basics

7 responses to “Grammar Basics: Introduction

  1. I find, as we saw in the post about Staples’ quiz, that explaining to people what grammar isn’t, is a much harder job.


  2. I have never understood grammar, perhaps at this late stage in my life you will be the one to enlighten me.


  3. Pingback: my Weebly content Grammar self-study | Surfing Notes

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